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I love to read and experience different types of books. My favorite genres are YA, fantasy, science-fiction, and just a hint of romance.

A short and sweet review

Waking Storms - Sarah  Porter

This is the sequel to Lost Voices. I thought this was over all a pretty good book. I felt that the characters needed more growth. All the characters except for Luce, the main protagonist, were not developed to the author's full potential. But I think that may have been on purpose considering what takes place. The writing was very deep and intriguing; however, I would recommend reader discretion because this book is built upon tragedy with a bit of gore at the end.

Review finally up :)

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Jennifer E. Smith

So I finished this book forever ago and decided I would do a review now. So this book was pretty good. It was interesting and entertaining and made me want to keep reading. One thing I noticed was that it left me wanting to read more up until the end. That would be great and all but because of this I felt as if there wasn't much of an ending to it. So I think this is a great book worth reading but it ends somewhat suddenly and could use more.

Daily Review

Tiger's Curse (Book 1) - Colleen Houck

Ok, just, wow. I really like this book. It has magic, and curses, and love, it's awesome. All I can say is just, read the book. It is a series of four books and if you're like me, I promise that if you pick this book up you won't regret it.

Daily Review

Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 and Rise of the Elgen (Michael Vey, #1 and #2) - Richard Paul Evans

I really enjoyed reading this book. The plot line was fantastic and the writing was great. When this book was originally recommended to me I wasn't to excited but this book went way beyond my expectations and it is definitely worth reading.

My thoughts on Lost Voices

Lost Voices - Sarah  Porter

This book was definitely one of the most depressing books I have ever read. This book was really interesting from the beginning and progressed from there. I thought this book was very well written and enjoyable. For the most part in the book the main character is alone with her thoughts, this creates a depth of character connection and understanding. I think this a very deep and some what dark book. In the end it was good but make sure you have a happy love story or something to read after haha.

My thoughts on Shatter Me

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi

Well to start the audiobook of Shatter Me is amazing. I really enjoyed reading this book. I think there is a lot of meaning and interesting metaphors to be found as one girl struggles to come to terms with her unique ability. In the beginning of this book Juliette talks about her life before and suffers because of the memories and her own thoughts that she could be insane or is simply a monster. I really enjoyed taking the journey through this book and I hope you do too.

My Nevermore review

Nevermore: The Final Maximum Ride Adventure - James Patterson

For the book "Nevermore" I had high hopes about this book being just as great as the ones before it. This book started out strong with great action and intrigue. However, the ending to this book was quite disappointing. I feel like the entire series the author was building up the my expectations about how Max was going to save the world and I think that the final installment to the Maximum Ride series was a huge let down in the area.